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Denise McManus, one of America’s top real estate consultants and the host of WhatTheHouseTV

SCOTTSDALE, AZ, UNITED STATES, February 16, 2024 / — As the real estate market gears up for the upcoming spring season, homeowners face concerns propagated by various media outlets, such as difficulties in securing loans, election uncertainties, and high interest rates. Nationally known real estate consultant Denise McManus, the host of “WhatTheHouseTV,” dismisses these fears as baseless, emphasizing that any house can successfully be sold with the right strategy and support.

Denise says three prevalent misconceptions often derail potential sellers:

1. Now is not a good time to sell:
Contrary to common belief, McManus contends that buyer activity is returning nationwide as interest rates are finally easing. She stresses that the ideal time to sell is not dictated by a calendar but rather by individual needs and goals. McManus advises strategic selling based on personal considerations rather than market conditions, whether prompted by job relocation, selling a parent’s home, or other circumstances.

2. I’m Selling The Home’ As-Is, No Repairs’:
McManus underscores the importance of preparation in selling a home. Sellers opting for an ‘As-Is, No Repairs’ approach may fetch lower than average market prices. McManus recommends addressing basic cleaning, decluttering, and cosmetic fixes to enhance a property’s appeal and overall value. The “best dressed homes” will always bring top value.

3. Buyers always try to bargain sellers down in price:
McManus dispels the notion that inflating the listing price to allow room for negotiation is an effective strategy. Today’s buyers are savvy and can quickly identify overpriced homes. McManus urges sellers to set realistic and competitive prices from the beginning of the listing.

Denise says that to be savvy sellers in 2024, buyers should “keep their eye on the end goal and focus on strategic approaches.” If a home faces selling challenges, McManus identifies three primary factors—location, condition, and price—as the likely culprit. “The more things change, the more they stay the same.”

About Denise McManus:

Denise McManus is one of America’s top real estate consultants and the host of WhatTheHouseTV. Known as “The Loan Whisperer,” Denise specializes in securing financing for self-employed borrowers, investors, and other unconventional lending scenarios. With a background as an award-winning television executive, McManus brings a unique blend of skills to her role as a Global Real Estate Advisor with Engel & Voelkers and licensed mortgage lender in a variety of states, prioritizing personalized strategies for each client.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Burke Allen/ Shaili Priya
Allen Media Strategies
+1 703-589-8960
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Know More About Interests Rates with Denise McManus