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Time is Money blog - Premier
May 24, 2023

Time is Money: How Premier Construction Software Can Save You Both

While a project can take months or years to complete, the reality is that construction moves fast. A company that knows time is money and knows how to make the most of both is on the path to success.  Premier Construction Software can help with time and money, and in this guide, we’ll discuss how it can save your company both.

How Premier Can Save Time and Money

Would you put trust in a software program that can save your business both time and money? It seems like a no-brainer. That’s what our construction ERP solution was designed to do, and the following features or abilities are just some of the ways that Premier can impact your company.

Automated Processes

All of the data entry, report creation, and updating required to keep a construction business on track requires a lot of time. One of the most significant benefits of using Premier Construction Software is its ability to automate processes.

When a user inputs or changes a value in the system, the software knows to update every related value affected by the change without a person having to track down the specific pay app, change order, or report.

One-click updates might seem the big time and money saver here, but consider this: Updating reports and budgets manually introduces multiple opportunities for human error. The time it takes to realize there is a mistake, track it down, and change it can be tremendous. And, should that mistake affect the project, it may translate to real money wasted.

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  • CWRE 2024
  • Keith Walking Floor - Leaderboard - Sept 2021
  • Dentec - Leaderboard - 2023 - Updated
  • Premier Leaderboard - updated Nov 19
  • Procore Leaderboard 2024
  • Sage Leaderboard
  • IAPMO R&T Lab - Leaderboard