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Autodesk might have made its name with its AutoCAD computer-aided design software, but its latest high-tech project is far more focused on hardware. The company has teamed up with Netherlands-based company Dura Vermeer to create a robot-filled shipping container which may very well represent the future of construction work. It is being shown off at this week’s Autodesk University Las Vegas, a massive conference connecting people from industries like manufacturing and architecture, which kicked off on Monday, November 12.
Described by Autodesk as a “large-scale additive manufacturing toolbox,” the new shipping container contains twin Panasonic TS-950 robots, ready to be deployed on construction sites. It is designed to be carried on the back of a truck. These robots can be deployed for 3D printing large, strong, durable metal components for construction. As a result, the hope is that building sites will have to transport fewer components, since they can instead print them as and when required. This also opens up new design possibilities due to the fact that generative algorithms can be used to create components to the exact technical specifications required. Think of it as a supply chain in a box, and you won’t be far off the mark!
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