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worksite flooding blog - Cooper
April 2, 2024

Keep the Water Out: 5 Ways to Help Prevent Worksite Flooding

Flood risks: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

How does water creep into worksites and cause flooding? Let us count the ways.

There’s weather, for one thing. We can’t control nature and climate change is throwing us curveballs. Flash floods, surging rivers, spring thaws and cold weather combined with snow one day and temperatures above average the next. Yikes!

Then there’s all the other issues that can cause a flood…plumbing and mechanical systems, old water or sewage infrastructure and improper drainage.

Getting ahead of the risks before they become catastrophes can save you a lot of headaches. As Benjamin Franklin used to say, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” But it’s hard to be prepared when we don’t know what’s ahead of us. With all the daily challenges that come with running a construction worksite, you don’t need to add water damage to the list. Here’s a few ways you can prevent flooding on your worksite.

1.Assess your worksite and identify your risks

The first place to start is to identify how flooding could affect your workers, equipment, and site. Do your employees know how to safely handle equipment during a flood risk? What about electric equipment? They should, because water damage can bring your entire project to an abrupt halt – resulting in big challenges to your budget and timeline.

Avoid this by storing all equipment above the floodplain when not in use. If it’s too late and equipment is already in water, contact your equipment provider right away. The right procedures can make all the difference when it comes to keeping workers safe and recovering construction equipment.

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