The energy sector across Canada is changing and evolving every day. As a property owner, manager or developer, you’ve seen firsthand how energy market shifts can impact your bottom line. That’s why it’s important to consider a cost-effective solution that can help manage unpredictable energy costs and improve the environmental efficiency of your building. Sub-metering provides building owners and operators with greater control over their operational costs, saving on one of the highest building expenditures. Through a sub-metering program, tenants and residents become responsible for their electricity costs, in turn gaining a better understanding of how their behaviour drives electricity costs, motivating them to make changes to reduce their usage.
It’s a well-known fact that the Alberta government is taking aim at coal-fired generation as part of its Climate Leadership Plan. This echoes changes in other regions, including those seen in Ontario over the past 15 years.
While the move in Ontario reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 87%, in working towards phasing out coal-fired power by 2014, the average cost of power increased by about 51% from 2004 to 2013. Although the changes in Alberta are ongoing, their impact is already being felt on some energy bills across the province, some nearly doubling between March and April 2018.
To discuss how Enercare can provide solutions to your energy needs, stop by booth 621 at BUILDEX on November 7th or 8th to meet with Derrick Newman of Enercare Connections.
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