At last week’s Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Association Executives (CSAE), the national association for associations, HRAI was awarded a CSAE Award of Merit for its government relations campaign named Supporting Government Climate Change Objectives through HVACR Innovation. The award honours outstanding achievement in association leadership, structure and governance; and/or the planning and execution of internal, external and integrated programs that serve association members and/or engage external stakeholders and volunteers.
This award recognized the efforts of HRAI over the past year and a half in advocating to the federal government to introduce support for Canadians looking to adopt energy efficient equipment. Through HRAI’s advocacy campaign, the Government of Canada introduced the Canada Greener Homes Initiative which offers homeowners between $125 and $5,000 for eligible home retrofits. As with any new government program, however, Greener Homes had its challenges and HRAI has worked tirelessly with NRCan to make the program more workable for industry participants.