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Foreman Fred
January 3, 2021

Construction Links Network introduces Foreman Fred

Over the past six months, it has been my goal to start creating consistent video content to support Construction Links Network.

While this may seem easy for some, I have heavily researched “best practices” for creating video content as well as the numerous platform options to create the videos.

I have always been told that my voice would be great for radio but not so sure I have the face for video – :). Over the Christmas and New Year break I had some time to try different platforms and test out creating some video content.

I thought I was on the right track after I recorded my first video using Canva. I have used the Canva service for a few years now as it is made for solo entrepreneurs who don’t have much for design skills. I was quite excited about the finished “test” video so I immediately played the video for my wife Sylvia.

I love my wife – especially her honesty when she told me the video was not very good. I guess I “hummed” and “hawed” a little too much.

Back to the drawing board.

Researching further, I decided to create an alter ego of myself as well as use a text-to-talk recording software. I’ve spent the last coupe of days of 2020 and the first three days of 2021 creating my new Chief Content Assistant.

I am pleased to introduce you to Foreman Fred. Fred – why don’t you introduce yourself?

For now, Foreman Fred will be practicing social distancing as well as wearing his mask. Once I get the vaccine, Foreman Fred will remove his mask in a future video.

So hope you grow to like Foreman Fred as well as the content that will be created. You can subscribe to the new Construction Links Network YouTube channel here.

I look forward to continue building Construction Links Network and always welcome your honest feedback.

Cheers to much success in 2021!

Best Regards,

Arnie Gess

Publisher and President

Construction Links Network