by Mary Van Buren, Canadian Construction Association
CCA has been working tirelessly on your behalf as the COVID-19 situation across the country rapidly changes. CCA is you, and we are putting the needs of our members, our workers, and your families first in everything that we do. We are working not just to secure immediate financial support and relevant resources, but also to ensure the viability of the industry as Canada mobilizes for recovery. Construction will play a significant role and we must ensure our members can withstand this pandemic.
A strong and united voice is essential – across all sectors and geographies, and size of firms. CCA will continue to advocate with the federal government and its agencies, so our industry has the support it needs to come back in full force and work to Build a Better Canada.
See our video – CCA support during COVID-19
Here is a quick summary of what we’ve accomplished so far:
The situation across our country and around the world is changing at a rapid pace. We know how difficult it can be to stay on top of the changes, so please check our website for the latest information and newest resources.
Stay healthy and thank you for your continued support.
Best regards,
Mary Van Buren, MBA, CAE
Canadian Construction Association
About CCA
Across Canada, CCA represents more than 20,000 member firms drawn from 63 local and provincial integrated partner associations. CCA gives voice to the public policy, legal and standards development goals of contractors, suppliers and allied business professionals working in, or with, Canada’s non-residential construction industry.
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