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OTTAWA, November 21, 2018 – The Canadian Construction Association (CCA) applauds the government’s efforts to restore business confidence in Canada as stated in the fall economic update released today. “CCA has been advocating for prompt payment, accelerated depreciation, support for attracting under-represented segments into construction as well as for increased funding for innovation and infrastructure, ” said Mary Van Buren, CCA president. “These commitments by the government are essential to enabling Canadian construction firms to compete more effectively in Canada and around the world.”
Construction is a cornerstone of the Canadian economy, employing 1.4 million Canadians and generating 7% of the gross domestic product (GDP). The construction industry is integral to building strong and resilient Canadian communities, connecting our citizens and businesses.
The following announcements in the government’s fall economic update are of particular value to CCA’s 20,000 member companies:
Faster depreciation of equipment will improve productivity
Many of our firms are capital intensive and the depreciation will free up significant funds that the firms will use to improve their productivity through innovation, technology or equipment purchases. This in turn will allow them to compete on larger projects, or to deliver more projects to build a better Canada.
Help with payment issues and red tape welcomed
The commitment to introduce prompt payment legislation is a clear demonstration that the government is listening to the members of the construction industry. Not only will prompt payment legislation address cash flow problems for construction companies, it will improve productivity generating greater value for the Canadian economy. The government’s intention to create a culture to harmonize regulations, reduce red tape and respond to recommendations from the business community is a positive step to restoring confidence in Canada.
Funding for entrepreneurs will help grow the talent pool
With an aging workforce and looming retirements, the construction industry is facing an urgent need for skilled and technology-savvy workers. “Construction is quickly evolving, applying new technology to deliver Canada’s infrastructure of the future,” said Mary. The funding for women as well as for Indigenous and recent immigrant women entrepreneurs, apprentices and workers will help businesses better support the training, recruitment and retention of this talent pool.
Support for innovation
The increased funding for innovation through the Strategic Innovation Fund will be instrumental in enabling the construction industry to, for example, develop solutions to climate change or reduce waste.
Export-enabling infrastructure
In addition to the $180 billion already allocated for infrastructure, the new commitment to investing in Canada’s export-enabling infrastructure is an endorsement of the role construction plays in strengthening both Canada’s domestic economy and in opening doors for Canadian firms to markets around the world.
About CCA
Canadian Construction Association (CCA) is the national voice for the construction industry in Canada representing over 20,000 member firms in an integrated structure of some 63 local and provincial construction associations. Construction employs close to 1.4 million people and generates about $120 billion to the economy annually.
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