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architectural film benefits
April 7, 2021

Architectural Film Benefits for General Contractors | Renovation Materials

General contractors, or professional renovators, strive to achieve several goals at once: fulfil client’s interior and exterior desires, ensure the project fits the time and budget constraints, provide all necessary workforce (architects, plumbers, etc.) on the site. We do not know every nuance of GC’s work – how mark-ups are estimated or how subcontractors are found, but we do know that architectural film Is getting more and more praise from GCs. Architectural film, also know as interior vinyl film, is already popular among interior designers due to its outstanding quality-to-price ratio. Here is a breakdown of architectural film benefits for general contractors and how they can use this material, based on our experience of working in the renovation industry.

Budget concerns

A concrete example is always more convincing than vague explanations. Two pictures below show a project where a GC needed to build customized wall panels: the client wanted wood and grey matte. The GC contractor had an option to order customer decorative panels from subcontractors and they quoted slightly above $2,000 for each wall. Instead, they decided to go with architectural film – simply install plywood panels and wrap them. As a result, it cost only $900 and $1,100 for oak wood and grey matte respectively. If you think that the lower price compromised the quality, have a look at a panel close-up. Differences from real wood are indistinguishable for the client.

Note that black stripes were also wrapped with the film. GCs usually save 30-70% of an original cost when they use architectural film as a material. It is often reasonable to purchase basic materials, like MDF panels or plain kitchen cabinets, and then wrap them with vinyl to achieve the same final result but at a lesser cost.

More design options for your client

Vinyl is a refinishing material, so it applies virtually to any solid surface. To lay a building foundation, you will definitely need to use real cement, but turning it into another material is possible with Bodaq film. There are more than 450 patterns of different textures and colors (browse our catalog). Among them are marble, wood, stone, solid patterns, metal and more. Tactile sensation is identical to real materials. You’ve seen wood grains above and leather patterns are no different – they imitate original materials.

Customized projects are often hard to execute. Whether it’s a residential project with custom kitchen furniture or a commercial one where a client wants, for example, a brushed silver column, architectural film makes it easy. It provides your client with more options to choose from, and saves GC’s time.

Certified quality and extreme durability

Bodaq interior film is fire retardant, moisture resistant, non-toxic, phthalate-free, and is absolutely safe to apply and exploit. Hyundai L&C, manufacturer of Bodaq interior film, has certified all the above-mentioned qualities.

More to add, architectural film is extremely durable. It is used in high-traffic areas, such as restaurants and shopping malls. It is resistant to scratching and staining. The refinished surface maintains its original appeal for 10+ years. We conducted some damage tests in a home environment. An example of vinyl application in commercial settings is shown below.

architectural film benefits
Restaurant kitchen door before refinishing. Despite metallic surface, the door was damaged heavily by food trays.Refinished door after 6 months. Architectural film withstood all the possible damage.

Less waste

Besides film paperback and a few inches of unused vinyl, there is no waste on the site when you use architectural film. Film application is quiet and easy and can be conducted simultaneously with other on-site activities without interruption.

Summing up the benefits

Architectural film does not substitute real materials: the GC still had to purchase plywood panels in the example above. However, it is a refinishing material that brings many benefits to all people in the renovation industry, including GCs, because it provides design versatility, high quality, durability, saves time and money. In most cases, it is an ultimate solution that meets the requirements of a GC and fulfils the demands of a client.

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