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5 factors
October 10, 2023

5 Factors Resulting in Increased Costs in Construction

With the end of 2023 not expecting to see a drop in construction costs and actually face a rise in prices, saving money on your next job is paramount to help you remain competitive while still being able to earn a living when forecasts show the industry is set to contract and not grow in the fiscal year?

While projections suggest a boom with a strong outlook for 2024, likely costs will remain high, meaning contractors should be looking at cutting costs and getting the most from their money where possible.

Poor site management

Poor site management can be directly linked to rising costs primarily because if things aren’t being appropriately monitored or overseen, then you are simply losing money on mistakes, poor time management, and aspects of the build not running to schedule. Time is money after all. Ensure you have an efficient operation in place of monitoring and directing everything being done and getting things moving in the right direction.

Buying not renting

For much of the equipment you will need, it makes sense to have it all ready to use, but for specialist builds or equipment, renting it for short periods can help you avoid the costs of buying the equipment, which is likely expensive., You will then need to arrange storage, all of which you can add up, so choosing to rent equipment or tools for short periods can be more cost-effective in the long run.

Not shopping around

Heading back to a supplier you have always used can help ensure the continuity and quality of your build. However, neglecting to shop around for the best prices can result in higher costs for materials and equipment than you should be. In some cases, loyalty comes at a cost. While you must be doing due diligence when sourcing suppliers, shopping around for a welding supplier, timber merchant, or high quality, PPE can save you money before things get up and running.

Making cost-planning errors

Cost planning errors can be a significant factor in how efficient the build is and how much money you make. Everyone knows that costs can fluctuate spending in particular circumstances, and nothing runs right 100% of the time; however, underpricing on a job can lead to you cutting your margins tighter than they are. You need to put your experience to work or use effective cost-planning software to help you get as accurate a quote as possible and ensure you can still profit and cover costs upon completion.

Human error

Human error is still a factor in relation to how much a project will come in at. Not knowing how to perform specific tasks properly, not completing jobs to high standards, or even breaking equipment because they took it home and damaged it or don’t know how to use it properly can see costs soaring. Ensure that everyone is trained and has the experience and knowledge to carry out their job, and no one is allowed to move equipment or tools off-site or ensure they are kept safe and secure and nothing can happen to them outside of working hours.

Keeping costs down in construction isn’t linear, nor is it an easy feat. But by putting small measures in place, you can work towards a lower waste build and increased project management to help you streamline costs and avoid racking up higher costs.

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