In 2012 Bigfoot Systems Inc. added a 10” plastic tube (BFT10) to our product line. The BFT10 quickly took off as contractors and do-it-yourselfer’s like the idea of having the security of their tube not breaking down and collapsing from ground water, rain or wet soil as well as the added protection from frost heave the BFT10 offers due to its tapered design and slick surface.
In 2018 Bigfoot Systems Inc.introduced a 12” plastic tube (BFT12). The BFT12 hasd the same design as the 10” tube and works with both the BF28 and BF36 model Bigfoot. With the BFT12 addition to our product line we are confident we will have the most complete pier foundation footing form system on the market with 4 different size Bigfoot accepting 7 different size cardboard tubes and 2 sizes of the most commonly used plastic tubes.
About Bigfoot Systems Inc.
Having been in the construction business for many years, we know that different projects require different sized footing forms.
Check your local building codes to determine which Bigfoot Systems® Footing Form fits your construction needs. If you have questions about our products, don’t hesitate to call us toll-free from Canada and the United States 1-800-934-0393.
We have developed a variety of Bigfoot products for all your construction needs. Browse our product line and learn more about allowable gravity loads each model will withstand to help you choose the footing that is right for your residential, light commercial or industrial applications.
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