With stringent regulations in place, managing underground storage tanks (USTs) is more critical than ever. Protect your property from potential leaks and contamination that could lead to severe environmental damage and costly penalties.
As a result of new waste management and UST regulations in many provinces, underground storage tanks (UST’s) are being evaluated and are often removed or replaced. T. Harris Environmental Management Inc. has developed the expertise to effectively co-ordinate and manage the issues relevant to underground storage tanks.
Specifically for Ontario, the 2000 Technical Standards and Safety Act (TSSA) requires all USTs to be upgraded to add leak detection, corrosion protection and spill containment. Upgrades are to be phased-in from October 1, 2006 to October 1, 2009. Tanks of unknown age or over 25 years old must be upgraded by the 2006 deadline. All underground storage tanks for heating oil must be removed if not in use for more than two years.
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